+7 921-580-39-20
Rambler's Top100 Рейтинг@Mail.ru


Исполнитель Альбом Описание Цена
Led ZeppelinPresenceorig. UK Swan Song (1-st press A-2/B-2) g/f insert NM/NM4800
Led ZeppelinIV /V 2LP2LP Rus Antrop (1991) g/f M/M1500
Led ZeppelinIVorig. UK Atlantic (re-press 1975 A-2/B-2) g/f insert NM/NM9800
Led ZeppelinBBC Session 4LP's Box4LP orig. USA Atlantic (rare on vinyl 1-st press 1997) insert box NM, LP NM/M (из личной коллекции)49900
Led ZeppelinHouses Of The Holyorig. USA Atlantic (1-st press 1973) g/f insert M/NM12800
Legendary Pink DotsThe Maria Dimentionorig. Holl Play It Again (rare on vinyl 1991) insert NM/NM6900
LennonHeart Playorig. USA Polydor (1-st press 1983) NM/M1800
LennonLive Peace In Toronto 1969orig. UK Apple (1-st press A-1/B-1) NM/NM3400
LennonShaved Fishorig. UK Apple (1-st press A-4/B-4) insert NM/M1800
LennonDouble Fantasyorig. UK Geffen (1-st press A-6/B-2) insert NM/NM2400
LennonSome Time In New York City 2LP2LP orig. UK Apple (1-st press A-1/B-1/C-2/D-1) g/f 2 inserts POSTCARD NM/NM5800
LennonMind Gamesorig. UK Apple (1-st press A-1/B-1) insert NM/NM3400
LennonRock'n'Rollorig. UK Apple (1-st press A-1/B-1) NM/NM2400
LennonImagineorig. UK Apple (1-st press A-2/B-1) insert POSTCARD POSTER (reprint) NM/NM3800
LennonLive In New York Cityorig. India Parlophone (1-st press A-1/B-1) NM/M900
LennonMind Gamesorig. UK Apple (1-st press A-1/B-1) insert УЦЕНКА шум в паузах и тихих местах 1200
Les Enfants TerriblesOn L' Appelle Madameorig. France Philips NM/NM800
LindisfarneFog On The Tyneorig. UK Charisma (2-nd press A-1/B-1) g/f NM/NM2400
LindisfarneMagic In The Air 2LP2LP orig. UK Mercury (1-st press A-1/B-1/C-1/D-1) g/f NM/NM3800
Liverpool Philharmonic OrchestraThe Beatles Concertoorig. UK Parlophone (1-st press A-1/B-3) insert NM/NM2800

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