+7 921-580-39-20
Rambler's Top100 Рейтинг@Mail.ru


Исполнитель Альбом Описание Цена
SadeDiamond Lifeorig. UK Epic (1-st press A-2/B-2) g/f NM/NM4400
SadePromiseorig. UK Epic (1-st press A-5/B-4) g/f NM/M3800
SagaHeads Of Talesorig. UK Portrait (1-st press A-1/B-1) insert NM/NM2400
SagaIn Transitorig. Germ. Polydor insert NM/NM900
Sally OldfieldCelebrationorig. Swed. Bronze insert NM/NM600
Santa EsmeraldaThe House Of The Rising Sunorig. UK Philips (1-st press A-1/B-1) NM/NM2800
SantanaFreedomorig. UK CBS (1-st press A-1/B-1) insert NM/M2800
SantanaInner Secretsorig. UK CBS (1-st press A-2/B-2) insert NM/M2800
SantanaAbraxasorig. UK CBS (1-st press A-2/B-2) NM/M4800
SantanaSantana (debut album)orig. UK CBS (1-st press A-1/B-1) M/NM4800
SantanaSantana IIIorig. UK CBS (1-st press A-2/B-2) g/f NM/NM2400
Savage RoseSolen Var Ogsa Dinorig. UK/Swed. Sonet insert NM/NM1800
Savoy BrownShake Downorig. UK Decca (1-st press A-1/B-1 MONO) NM/NM (из личной коллекции)59900
ScorpionsTokyo Tapes 2LP2LP orig. UK RCA (1-st press A-1/B-1/C-1/D-1) g/f NM/NM3800
ScorpionsLovedriveorig. UK Harvest (1-st press A-1/B-1) NM/NM4800
Secret ServiceOh Susie (debut album)orig. Swed. Sonet (1-st press 1979) insert NM/M6800
Secret ServiceYeSiCaorig. Swed. Sonet (1-st press A-2/B-2) insert NM/NM6800
Secret ServiceJupiter Signorig. Swed. Sonet (1-st press A-3/B-3) insert M/M6800
Seven ImpaleCity Of The Sunorig. Norway Karisma (rare Norwegian prog jazz rock 1-st press 2014) M/M (из личной коллекции)9900
ShangoShango Funk Theologyorig. UK Celluloid (1-st press A-1/B-1) NM/NM УЦЕНКА!!!900

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